Think big with billboards!

Published by Northside Graphics • 9th March 2017


Six, 48 and 96 sheet billboard posters are everywhere.

You can’t walk or drive around Belfast without noticing billboard advertising – a medium that is enjoying considerable growth at present with many local businesses and advertisers discovering the enhanced benefits of outdoor advertising campaigns.

As Northern Ireland’s oldest and largest digital printer, Northside Graphics has been supplying outdoor advertising to our customers for nearly 30 years. Our outdoor posters are extremely popular and come in three sizes:

– 6 Sheet Adshels are often seen on the end panels of bus shelters.
– 48 sheets are the full-size billboards we see everywhere.
– 96 sheets are double length billboards.

Billboard advertising really works
Studies show that 92% of shoppers say they’ve been exposed to an outdoor advert 30 minutes before purchasing. Compare that to newspaper advertising at 4% and radio at only 36%. On top of this, 82% of shoppers surveyed said they had impulse purchased that day. That’s the power of billboard advertising!

Billboard advertising is extremely cost-effective
When it comes to advertising types, outdoor enjoys the lowest cost per thousand people who’ll see your ad. That means billboard advertising is superb value for money. At Northside Graphics, our new customers are often surprised at the low cost of billboard poster printing, so if you’ve always thought outdoor advertising is beyond your budget, call us for a quote. We’re sure you’ll think again.

How billboards can help your business
Billboards give you mass exposure
Unlike other forms of advertising, billboards are part of our environment. In Belfast and throughout Northern Ireland, outdoor advertising is already all around us. We can’t ignore it. And that means huge numbers of people will see your message.

Billboard location can target your perfect audience
You can place your billboards anywhere you think your target market is likely to be. If they shop in or regularly pass a particular place, putting your billboard close to or on the way to that area will get your message in front of those people most likely to respond.

Billboards grow your brand
Billboards are great for growing and increasing awareness of your brand. When people see your company or brand on a huge billboard, they’ll know you’re serious about your business and assume you to be a major player in your field.

Market leading billboard poster printing
When you contact us you know that you’re talking to people who know their industry and the local market. Due to our size and experience, we are in a position to offer fantastic value for money without compromising on quality. We use top of the range large format digital presses that produce excellent colour and print on industry standard, water resistant poster paper. It’s very strong and resistant to cracking or flaking.

If you’ve never thought of billboard advertising before or if it’s time to give your business a boost, simply call Northside Graphics today on 028 9022 2111.